Happy 12th Birthday Bluescale
Happy 12th Birthday BlueScale

This week Bluescale turns 12! From humble beginnings – no staff, no office, no customers! – Bluescale has grown into a thriving IT managed service provider serving NDIS and NFP organisations and the community sector across Australia.
We’d like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff, vendors and of course customers who have been with us on this journey. Some (like Sunnyfield Disability Services) of have been with us almost since our inception, others (like One Door Mental Health) have joined our growing family relatively recently.
It is a great experience for us here at Bluescale to be able to assist organisations focused on care, whether that be care for people’s health, care for our environment, or care for local communities. These organisations draw a certain kind of person to them that are a pleasure for us to support.
Thanks for the opportunity. We look forward to continuing to grow together.